Mission partners

Church Missions

Learn more about our church missions and the communities we serve both locally and globally.

Jesus calls all of us to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. The Missions Mobilization Team (MMT) seeks to help PCC engage in this calling by encouraging each of us to share the love of God within our city, as well as providing opportunities to come alongside others through short-term missions. Beyond fostering a culture of looking beyond our church walls to our neighbors, we also partner with a number of full-time missionaries, some who touch lives here in Regina and others overseas, through financial and prayer support.

The bulk of our fundraising for our missionary partners happens at the annual October Mission’s Festival, the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Congregants can also give to missions throughout the year by designating donations for specific sponsored partners, organizations or projects. Offerings received the fifth Sunday of any month also go towards missions, specifically our Multiply sponsored partners and short-term missions. Students working at Christian summer camps, PCC run summer children’s programs and short-term missions trips are eligible to access these ‘short-term missions’ funds.

The Missions Mobilization Team meets regularly to discuss how we can best encourage and support PCCers in those places where God is calling them, in their own life setting right here in Regina, and foster connections with our missionary partners. As a team we long to listen to God together, joining Him in the work He is already doing in Regina and beyond.

Our Missionary Partners

Athanase and Beatta Chiruza

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Athanase and Beata Chiruza

Regina, Sk

In 2015 Athanase and Beata arrived in Regina from Africa with five of their children. Before coming to Canada, Athanase and Beata planted churches wherever their travels took them. Bishop Athanase works with the congregations that God has established through African connections, or churches that have grown from those church plants.
Many in whom he previously invested have now moved to the United States, Europe and cities within Canada creating new churches. Others continue to pastor in Africa within refugee communities. Bishop Athanase provides guidance to these churches and responds to invitations to visit, encouraging members of the body of Christ with the word of God. Working out of PCC in Regina, Bishop Athanase also pastors the Mission Pentecostal Church.

Walter and Cindy Selke

Northern Canada Evangelical Mission

Walter and Cindy were married in 1989 and immediately became involved in ministry in Regina’s north central community. Over the years, the Selke’s were involved with Healing Hearts Ministry ministering to the people of North Central Regina.

The Selke’s have transitioned from their involvement with Healing Hearts to working and serving with Northern Canada Evangelical Mission. Currently, Walter and Cindy are serving as General Director for NCEM with headquarters in Prince Albert, SK. They have three grown children: Mark (and Amy) living in Gladstone, Manitoba; Daniel (and Michaela) living in Weyburn; and Caylea in Regina.

For more information on these organizations:
Healing Heart Ministries
Northern Canada Evangelical Mission


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Nick and Vivian Helliwell

Rising Above Abuse Counselling Agency

Nick and Vivian Helliwell have been full time faith missionaries since 2005. Recently, they joined Rising Above Abuse Counseling Agency. 

Nick and Vivian are both Indigenous Christians of Nēhiyawa (Cree) heritage. Nick is from the Peepeekisis First Nation and Vivian is from the Whitebear First Nation. While they are proud of their indigenous heritage, their spiritual identity is firmly founded upon Jesus Christ.

Nick and Vivian minister to indigenous people in Regina as well as on reserves outside Regina. Nick and Vivian build bridges for ministry engagement through attendance at weddings, wakes, funerals, home visits, giving rides and other forms of visible involvement in the indigenous community. This ministry impinges on many aspects of urban indigenous life, but is focused primarily on the restoration of men as husbands and fathers.

In the North Central neighborhood, all of Nick’s ministry efforts employ a range of approaches that lead men into mentorship pairings with older, more mature Christians. These efforts include music ministry, Bible studies, community outreach, hospital outreach, breakfasts, men’s camps as well as speaking to churches about men’s ministry. Passionate about the Bible, for over 20 years Nick has been making disciples in Bible studies using study materials he has developed. These Bible study materials have now been published as “Journey Through the Bible”. 

Nick sasy “Leading men to faith in the context of strong mentoring relationships with other older, mature Christian men is the keystone of my ministry. Jesus Christ began His church by mentoring twelve men in their faith, commanding them to likewise ‘go and make disciples’. In all of my efforts”, he continues, “I seek to help men develop discipling relationships with other men.”

Learn More about this organization:
Rising Above

Kirstie Kline

Director of Discipleship - Youth for Christ - Regina, SK

The Regina Youth For Christ (RYFC) Community Team’s work is to share the gospel with and disciple individuals who are primarily unchurched and have often been given up on. The youth RYFC serve come from a variety of backgrounds and each individual faces unique challenges.
We desire to see each one of them come to saving faith in Christ and be equipped with the necessary tools to live a whole and healthy life. Our goal is to make disciples, who in turn make disciples and change the world around them. Kirstie leads a Junior and Senior Youth group, a girls support group and a discipleship training course. She also oversees volunteers and mentors, mentors young girls, and helps with Lamb’s Boxing Club. Please pray for God’s leading and life-giving, spirit-filled contact with youth.
For more information on these organizations: Youth For Christ Regina
Cory and Masami Giesbrecht

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Cory and Masami Giesbrecht

Multiply - Japan

Cory was born in Canada and raised in Australia as a missionary kid. Masami was born and raised in Japan. Cory and Masami met at University in Winnipeg and later married, starting their family of three boys while living in Manitoba. In 2015 they moved to Osaka, Japan to work with MB Mission.
Cory and Masami work with local Mennonite Brethren churches in the areas of community outreach, evangelism and leadership development. They also have a passion for the marginalized, and minister in small group settings to those who are living on the streets of Osaka.

Learn More about this organization:

Matt and Ruth

Multiply - Winnipeg, MB

Matt and Ruth serve with Multiply’s Mobilization Team in central Canada and are involved with the Global Media Network.

They also train missional leaders, particularly through SOAR ACTION and TREK, and support church plants in regions of Central Asia. Matt and Ruth have two teenage children as well as two foster children.

Learn More about this organization:

Ron and Marilyn Dyck

CMA National Evangelist - Prairie Region

Ron and Marilyn became official members of the Christian Motorcyclists Association of Canada (CMA) in May of 2004. CMA’s vision is to, “Change the World One Heart at a Time!” CMA members simply love Jesus Christ and love riding bikes. We want to share the love of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation to people in the motorcycling community. 

In September of 2021, Ron received and accepted the call to be the CMA National Evangelist for the Prairie Region (Saskatchewan and Manitoba). Working as partners, Ron and Marilyn come alongside CMA chapters and members, supporting and encouraging them in their personal and chapter outreach initiatives. They have a deep love for the love for the lost and spend many hours on their Harley Davidson (Jonah), building relationships by participating in charity rides, group rides, and bike rallies.

For more information on these organizations:
Christian Motorcyclists Association of Canada

Caylea Selke

Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM) - Regina, SK

Caylea Selke has been part of ministry in and around Regina all her life. Her present work includes NCEM’s communication through social media, while she continues to minister to youth face-to-face in Regina, Saskatchewan.

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Wendy Eros

Multiply - Japan

Wendy was born in Ontario and being an “army brat”, grew up all across Canada. She became a Christian at the age of 28, and at 46 she went on a missions trip to Italy in 2005 with Central Heights Church in Abbotsford (where she was working for four youth pastors). In 2006, God called her to be an ESL teacher in Nagoya, Japan. As a Mission Capacity Builder through MBMSI (now called Multiply), Wendy worked alongside the churches and pastors in Fujigaoka, Komaki & Toyota cities, using the ESL program and children’s events as a means to draw people into the church. She was also involved in 2 Gospel Choirs in Japan where she had opportunities to share her faith, as 98% of the choir members are not Christians. Wendy volunteered with 2 seniors groups there and is still doing zoom calls once/month with them. She will start up zoom classes in April this year with Fujigaoka & Komaki Churches as the present teacher will be leaving at the end of March. 

Unable to return to Japan for the past 2 years due to Covid, she is still employed with Multiply in the home office in Abbotsford as a Partner Care Liaison. She is hoping to return to Japan this summer. Please pray for her visa application to be accepted & approved once Japan opens its borders again for travel.

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For more information please contact:

Pastor Michael Engbers
Lead Pastor

Phone: 306-586-0101

Mike Engbers.CR3

Missions Updates

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Partnerships & Affiliations

along with our missionaries, we also have strategic partnerships and affiliations who we work with or support in seeking to build Christ’s kingdom. Click on any of the images to learn more about these organizations.