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Helliwell’s Summer 2023 Missions Update

Used by permission from Rise above ministries

It has been a very busy season for us this past month, and I am feeling like a victim of the success we have had. There is a tremendous amount of follow-up that needs to happen for each of the events and the results they have generated. Most important of these is the discipleship of the people who have come to Christ, or those who have asked for prayer and have been seeking Him.

I have come to the realization that I need help, there is simply too much to do for Vivian and myself.

In terms of seeking help, I have talked to Ben Lim, the director of Rising Above about recruiting a steering committee.  This is, of course, a priority.  Rising Above is known for its Annual National Conference on healing for Residential School and 60’s Scoop survivors and when we joined Rising Above, one of our primary objectives was to bring that conference to Regina.  We would still like for that to happen, but there also is a real need for a lasting presence in Regina for the ongoing ministry of Rising Above.  Hence our ministry is known as the Regina Discipleship Project.

But Vivian and myself can only disciple so many, and the need is enormous as we have found out. 

Moving into the fall we would like to assemble a steering committee, to solidify a focus and possibly work toward a national Rising Above Conference in Regina.

The second thing we need help with is the actual work we are involved in. Again, I spoke to our Director, Ben, to ask about hiring someone for a short term project.  One of my original objectives for our ministry was to complete a survey of NGO’s, services, ministries and so forth available in Regina, specific to our work in discipleship.  That work has never been done and we simply do not have the time to do it.  We are praying that we can raise the funding to hire a student for a couple of weeks before the end of August to complete the survey.

The other big thing is figuring out the best way to connect people to the Journey Through the Bible online.  I am currently over a month behind in the facebook postings, I have two calendars going – one started at Easter, and another set to start at the beginning of September.  I would like participants to be able to start at their own convenience and work at their own pace, but am unsure of how to accomplish that – either via email, website or phone app, but of course, all of those are beyond my skills.  The printed manuals also need to be updated, possibly with the daily readings that I prepared for the facebook postings, but again, that requires a considerable time commitment to do.  The writing is for the most part done, but transferring them into printed form and publishing costs become prohibitive for me.

Any suggestions regarding these issues would be appreciated, but of course, prayer is paramount.

If you would like to know how to support our ministry financially, please visit:

Rising Above Regina Discipleship Project or email me at 

Praying for Big Things!

Nick Helliwell

Rising Above Community Chaplain

Regina Discipleship Project

This Means War!

“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but have Devine power to destroy strongholds.” ~2 Corinthians 10:4

It has been a period of vast contrasts: great victories, tremendous sorrow, exciting ministry, intense spiritual battles, miracles, and pressure, exhaustion and elation. Since the last days of May, Vivian and I have experienced it all. 

The outreach we did on National Indigenous People’s Day, Canada Day, Mission6:10, and the prayer that has happened since have all produced fruitful results.

Having led people to the Lord, we take spiritual responsibility for their nurturing, and this is really the largest part of our ministry. Praying for, teaching, leading and guiding new Christians into spiritual maturity. 

Of course, the world, our society, values independence, and self-reliance, and so discipling is counter-cultural. The spiritually mature Christian learns walk in increasing dependence upon God. To lead a person to faith in Jesus Christ and then abdicate the responsibility of nurturing them into maturity is highly irresponsible.

Prayer is Essential!

When he dedicated his life to the Lord, TM flushed 5 grams of cocaine down the toilet in front of several witnesses. Returning home, he found that his house had been trashed. Please pray for his safety and for steadfastness in his newfound faith. The persecution he may have to face from both the street, his home community and very likely his family as well is very real. He will need to learn fast.

Warfare prayers have been an integral part of our ministry for quite a number of years. Our mentors, Walter and Cindy Selke, taught us to expect spiritual opposition and to pray over ourselves ,our home, and family every day. Steve Masterson as well would say, you must put on the armour of God every day. We are not afraid of the demonic, nor do we go beyond what God directs us to. 

According to the Bible, deliverance and spiritual warfare are NOT gifts of theSpirit nor are they ministries!

Nevertheless, we accept spiritual warfare as an integral, necessary part of our ministry, something we believe that every mature Christian should be competent at.

It has been quite a season of spiritual warfare for us primarily at the level of our thought life. Questions about our faith, memories of past sin, questioning our salvation, accusing one another, or taking offence at the slightest provocation and thoughts that rise up against the knowledge of Christ. The list goes on.

We have been using Messenger to send prayers to Terran every day as well as Bible readings. I have been giving him prayers he can pray for himself.

Please pray for this man as I believe that he is a key man on his reserve who will have a strong testimony and influence for Jesus Christ.

Romans 12: exhortation; giving;leadership; mercy; prophecy; service;teaching.

1 Corinthians 12: administration; apostle;discernment; faith; healings; helps;knowledge; miracles; prophecy; teaching;tongues; interpretation of tongues;wisdom.

Ephesians 4: apostle; evangelism; pastor;prophecy; teaching.

Misc. Passages: celibacy; hospitality;intercession; martyrdom; missionary;voluntary poverty.

Every gift or office of the Holy Spirit – will involve spiritual warfare and deliverance. 

Just as every single one of them involves love! 

Prayer & Praise

  • Praise the Lord for TJ’sSalvation, baptism and new found faith. 
  • Pray for TJ, that he would stand fast against the opposition and persecution he now faces.
  • Praise the Lord for the fruit produced through a season of prayer, praise and outreach.
  • Prayer for raising up of a steering committee to provide guidance and focus to the Regina Discipleship Project
  • Praise the Lord for healing in our family that is happening.
  • Prayer for us to continue to heal as a family, particularly the children.

Ministry Highlights

  • numerous people visited our outreach tent for prayer at Canada and Indigneous Peoples’ Day
  • Mentorship of C&M, D,T, TM, S&C, and J.
  • All Nations Camp at Kenosee Lake, August 21st to 25th.
  • Vivian is the head cook 
  • Nick is the speaker
  • We are taking the week of the 14th to 19 off to rest and regenerate. 
Used by permission from Rise above ministries