care groups

care groups

Connecting with our church community
to grow our faith together.

About Care Groups


Care groups are comprised of 8 to 15 people who gather weekly or biweekly to care for each other, study scripture, pray together and just grow as friends. Care groups can also serve by doing ministry together.

Care Groups are a growing part of our life at Parliament Community Church. When we connect into church community, we give ourselves the best opportunity to grow and be shaped by others on our faith journey. In our care groups we have the opportunity to learn, serve others, seek after God, and develop relationships. Group members care for each other by meeting each other’s needs, and also caring to help each other grow in faith.

Care groups are for everyone no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. We believe each person has a place to belong in a care group, whether you are new to the church or to a relationship with God, or if you are a long-time church attender.

We have a range of care groups in our church meeting on different days. We very much value our groups being diverse in culture and age whenever possible. We have groups that meet online, groups that meet in person, and some that are a mix of online and in person.

We would love to discuss how we can get you connected to a Care Group at PCC. Please contact the pastor below or fill out this form to get started:

Care Group Sign Up Form

For more information please contact:

Pastor Michael Engbers
Lead Pastor

Phone: 306-586-0101

Mike Engbers.CR3