Rooted Kids & Family Ministry

Our family ministry helps kids become rooted in Christ's love and teaches them to grow in Christ.

We strive to make our Rooted Kids programming a place where a child’s three greatest needs are met: a secure love, a significant purpose and a strong hope. These are met in a warm, safe, and welcoming environment. We want children to have the freedom to be different, vulnerable, candid and to make mistakes. Childhood can be filled with unnecessary baggage and we want kids to have the space to just be a kid and to grow in God’s love.

First-time guest? Get registered here to make signing in quicker on Sunday and during other Rooted Kid’s events.


Click here to learn more about our Elevate Campership Program!


2024/2025 PCC Family Ministry Waiver and Media Release Form

Fill out this registration and waiver for the 2024/2025 year of Parliament Church Family Ministries. Waiver and media release forms are required for all students attending regular Family Ministries programming.

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What's Next in Rooted Kids:

Our Next Branches event (Gr 4-6):

There are no upcoming events.

Upcoming Events

Within our children’s programs we strive to achieve these overall objectives:

Gather (Head)

By gathering together, students will receive instruction on Biblical principles, Christian living and life, witness modelling of Biblical character by our various volunteers, and experience community through large and small group settings.

Grow (Heart)

Lessons and activities provoke children to engage and interact with their faith. Children are encouraged to make their faith their own, taking what they are learning, and applying it to their life.

Go (Hand)

Children are invited to engage with what they have been learning, and to bring the love of Jesus to their communities. Activities include: partnership with local organizations, learning to share their stories, and serving in the church as a graduate from Children’s Ministry.

Resources For At Home

Right Now Media

RightNowMedia is a free Christian Video Streaming service with great content. To setup your free account please contact Pastor Kristen or the church office. Here are some of the resources we recommend:
Door Post Songs (Worship Videos)
WorldViews (exploring other religions for kids)
Books of the Bible With Buck Denver

Bible Studies & Devotionals

This Week's Kids Lesson @ PCC

These lessons are all password protected. Please contact Pastor Kristen for access.

Latest Updates

We periodically find other resources and will post them here for you to access.

For more information please contact:

Kristen Cowman
Children and Family Ministries Director


Phone: 306-586-0101

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