God Is So Good
The tears flowed freely as Bert told his story of God’s impact on his life. Cindy and I had the opportunity to present the ministry of NCEM at a Baptist Church in Regina. I am friends with the pastor so I boldly suggested he should have me come in and share the ministry.
I stood up in front and asked if anyone has seen or watched Tribal Trails. Many people have never heard of NCEM but most have seen and some regularly watch Tribal Trails, one of our ministries. I love to share how God has worked and continues to work through the ministry of NCEM.
A gentleman sat at the back of the church with his wife hanging on every word. He responded at all the right places and even laughed at my jokes. After the service, he made his way up to me and introduced himself. I soon found out he was First Nations from one of the local reserves and had lived in the city most of his life. He has been walking with the Lord for over 20 years and is an elder in the church. I am always on the lookout for people to share their testimony on Tribal Trails and asked him if he would like to share.
“Walter, I would be honoured to share what the Lord has done for me,” he replied.
So a couple weeks later he was sitting in my dining room that I had set up as a TV studio, recording his story of how God met him and transformed his life. he shared of how his marriage was in trouble because, although he was a Christian he had not allowed God into all parts of his life. “Pride was killing me, killing my marriage and killing my testimony! I am so thankful that my wife and my pastor had the courage to confront me and my pride. It didn’t die an easy death! Every day I get up, I know I need to kill is anew because it is so easy to move into pride and self-sufficiency. I need God, and I need the body of Christ to keep me going.”
I was trying to pay attention to all the technical details but soon I was lost in his story of transformation and growth because of our great God.
I asked him to share any last words with the viewer.
He looked at me and with tears in his eyes said, “God is so good!”
My eyes were blurry with tears and all I could say was “Yes, He is!”
Thank you for standing with us as we serve our Good God.
Family Update
Caylea – Between camp events and social media posts, Caylea continues to keep out of trouble! She was able to spend a week at a ministry workers’ retreat for a time for refreshing. Pray for her a s she may have a lead on a home in Big River.
Daniel and Michaela – Daniel completed his first year Air Conditioning courses in Saskatoon – one down, three more to go! Michaela continues to be busy sewing and developing the company’s website as new clothing lines are released. They are enjoying their lovely older home and are looking forward to spring and the backyard projects they have in mind.
Mark and Amy – With Mark off to work during the cold months, he concentrates on keeping Amy well fed and cared for through her busiest season of music sessions and recitals! They give leadership to the youth of their church, plus Mark preaches occasionally.We enjoyed their hospitality one weekend when Walter spoke in their church in Gladstone.
Walter – With returning to our full time ministry schedule, Walter’s VW hasn’t received as much attention. He has since acquired a new interest – a working Victrola gramophone! And another one as a work project…never a dull moment.
Cindy – After the joy of having the family all together for Christmas, Cindy is looking forward to some more family fun. Curling with Caylea in a funspiel in Big River and then in another bonspiel with Walter and the boys in Gladstone, her mama heart is full!
Praise and Prayer
- Praise for renewed energy and vision for leading NCEM.
- Praise for the new inquiries (10) and candidate (5) since the New Year.
- Praise for 3 retired folk stepping up to help with administration in the NCEM office.
- Pray for Caylea’s housing need.
- Pray for wisdom, unity and clear direction for the Executive Team.
- Pray for a revival in Canada and especially in the Indigenous communities of our nation.
Upcoming Events
- Day of Prayer; Executive Meeting in Prince Albert – (March 15 & 16)
- Missions Month at Balgonie Baptist – Walter speaks (April 23)
- Candidate Orientation Camp Training – 15 participants expected for 3 weeks (May 1-19)