Christmas @ PCC
Learn about all our Christmas activities at Parliament Community Chuch at Christmas 2024 at Parliament Community Church
Christmas Eve Services:
Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Family Celebration @ 5 pm
Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service @ 7 pm
Wednesday, December 25th – Christmas Day Online Only Worship Service @ 10 am
All our Christmas services can be accessed online at
Join Our Community on Sunday Mornings
Raising up healthy disciples who live, love, and serve like Jesus.
Welcome to Parliament Community Church, a vibrant Family Church in Regina! As a cornerstone of faith in our community, we invite you to join our Sunday church service as we gather, grow, and serve together. Located in the heart of Regina, our church is a welcoming space for families and individuals seeking a spiritual home.
At Parliament Community Church, we are more than just a Church in Regina; we are a community. We are a Mennonite Brethren Church situated just east of Harbour Landing in Regina, Saskatchewan. Our mission is to nurture disciples who live, love, and serve like Jesus. We are dedicated to growing in faith and living out that faith in our everyday lives.
No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to join us as we seek to gather, grow, and go together. We are a Family Church in Regina that embraces all ages and people from all walks of life. We gather together for what we have in common – our love for Jesus and our desire to worship and serve Him in Regina and beyond.
Thank you for taking a moment to explore our website and discover who we are as a church family. We look forward to welcoming you to our Family Church in Regina.
– Pastor Mike Engbers
At Parliament Community Church We...
We gather in a variety of ways in our church community to worship and serve the one true God. We gather as people of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures. Our Sunday morning services offers a church-wide gathering time and operates as our main connection point. During the school year our services begin at 10:45am and in the summer they begin at 10 am. You can join our services through our livestream or in-person at Parliament Community Church (4011 Pasqua Street).. Our services include a time of worship, Scripture reading, and a relevant message. During the school year, in addition to our Rooted Kids program before the service, children’s programming is offered during the service for those in grade 3 and under.
In addition to our Sunday morning service, we have various groups that gather throughout the week. Our Care Groups are smaller groups that meet throughout the week for prayer, study, and an opportunity for more personal connection. We also have childrenand youth programming, as well as ministries for men, women, young adults, and seniors that you can explore here.
We emphasize the importance of gathering because we believe God has called us to follow Him in fellowship with a larger community of faith that encourages, walks alongside, and does life with one another.
We seek to grow in faith as disciples with a love for those around us that is rooted in Jesus’ love for us. Growing in faith begins individually in our personal lives and continues as we gather through ministries and activities with our Parliament Community Church community.
Through our resources available, including Reflect videos, Sunday morning worship services, Adult Discipleship Class or ESL Sunday School classes, Care Groups, we hope and pray that you will grow in your faith and that this will overflow into your daily interactions with the world.
As a church, we have recently been wrestling with what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. To read about the growth that has taken place within our church community in this area, click here.
As Christians, we believe that the Bible calls us to go into the world and share the good news of who Jesus is. As a church community, we value and support local and global missions to share the good news of Jesus. We pray that God will use us to spread the good news through our words and actions, and as such we strive to support ministries that do both. Learn more about our missions partners here.
Parliament Community Church is also involved in our local community through formal ministries, such as serving meals in downtown Regina, and more informal individual activities, like the intentional relationships that are being built within our community, especially with individuals who are new to Canada.
It is our hope that our church will ‘go’, both locally and globally, as a response to Jesus’ call for us to do this.
What We Believe
What we believe as Mennonite Brethrens is essential to shaping us as a church. At Parliament Community Church, we believe that the Truth we hold is rooted in Scripture, God’s word, and reveals to us who God is, as well as what God has done, is doing, and will do.
Along with many other Christian churches, we affirm the truths reflected in the Apostle’s Creed. As a part of the Mennonite Brethern denomination, we have some beliefs that we hold, including: believer’s baptism, living as peacemakers in the world, and congregation-led church governance.
To explore some common questions of faith or learn more about what we believe, take some time to explore our website or contact us. We would love to have these conversations with you!
What We Believe
What We Believe
Opportunities to Connect and Grow
Whether at home or at church, we want to help kids and their families be resourced to grow in faith.
For students, in Grade 6 – Grade 12, we are the place where you can hang out, have fun, and learn about God.
Whether 18 years old or 99 years young we have places for you to get connected and to grow in faith.
Events @ Parliament Community Church
Jan 21 - 9:00 am
Coffee Time With a Pastor -
Jan 21 - 9:30 am
Playgroup parents and kids ages 4 and under
Jan 22 - 6:30 pm
Games Night -
Jan 22 - 7:00 pm
Women's Contemplative Prayer Group
Jan 23 - 9:30 am
Women & Men's Prayer Meeting
Jan 24 - 6:45 pm
PCC Youth (gr 7 - 12)
Youth! Sr. High MERGE -
Jan 24 - 7:00 pm
Chinese Bible Study
Jan 26 - 9:30 am
Rooted Kids (Newborn - Gr 6)
Rooted Kids Sunday School (ages 2-gr.6) -
Jan 26 - 9:30 am
PCC Youth (gr 7 - 12)
Youth Sunday School! -
Jan 26 - 9:30 am
Adult Discipleship Class -
Jan 26 - 9:30 am
ESL Ministry Class -
Jan 26 - 10:45 am
Rooted Kids (Newborn - Gr 6)
Children's Programming Birth-grade 3 -
Jan 26 - 10:45 am
Worship Celebration -
Jan 26 - 11:00 am
Rooted Kids (Newborn - Gr 6)
Children's Church
Upcoming Events
Check back soon for our next event where you can connect with our community of faith.