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SKMB On Mission Together: May 26, 2021

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Download the May 26 SKMB On Mission Together here.

Discipleship Coach Video: Re-engaging with Community

As we head into the month of June, we will be seeing some of the restrictions being lifted which will allow for more in-person events and larger church gatherings. I don’t know about you, but I am so excited! It finally seems like there is some light at the end of the very long tunnel we have been in! In this video, I chat with you about the four types of people that we need be aware of and how we can walk with them to see them re-engage with in-person community. I hope this video helps you and your church re-engage as you return to in-person community.

Virtual Cafe

Join us in the Virtual Cafe for our latest article where Lisa Braun guides us in reflecting on what it means to belong. Belonging happens when you identify with another entity – a person or organization, or perhaps a species, culture, or ethnic group. To further the conversation, please share your thoughts, reflections and questions as we journey forward by commenting on the posts. To comment, you will need to log in – this ensures we maintain a safe and moderated space where conversations can take place. Click here and scroll down to login and start the discussion.

New Moderator Liason

Maureen Brown is the newest member of the SKMB Executive Board. She starts in a newly created role as the board’s primary liaison to church moderators/Lead Elders. Maureen serves as the Family Ministries Pastor at
Forest Grove Community Church. She has been a part of rural and urban churches, congregations large and small. She brings relational skills and a passion for the mission of SKMB to support churches and camps in making disciples. Maureen’s first assignment is to connect with moderators/Lead Elders as churches engage with the Common Understandings and Our Common Covenant.

Anabaptist History & Thought Class A Success

The first Anabaptist History & Thought class took place May 10-14 at Horizon College & Seminary with instructor Randy Klassen. Eleven students took the class and the evaluations to date are very positive. Pastor Andrew Klassen (West Portal Church) stated, “The depth of historical content, richness of theological reflection and passionate knowledge of the instructor made is a memorable experience well beyond my expectations of a college course. Not only would I recommend this experience to others, I plan to take it again.” SKMB is planning to offer a second course through Horizon College & Seminary in 2022 on Leadership & Conflict.