How is Murray doing?
Murray has been transferred to the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. He has been walking more and last Friday, Vivian took him for a drive around Wascana Lake for the first time since March! He has a wheelchair, but is able to walk a ways now. Unfortunately, Saturday, he took quite a tumble as he attempted to get out of bed and get into his chair, hurting his legs, his left shoulder and hitting his head. He was not seriously injured, but it was a setback, as he was trying too much too fast. As he is starting to get mobile, he needs to regain some muscle mass now, having been bedridden for so long.
In other news…
I got a call from BC last Wednesday – a young Christian First Nations man called us up asking for help to relocate to Regina. As a matter of fact, BC social agency he was calling from wanted to put him on a plane that day! Could we find him a place to stay, help him get set up, etc. Well, he arrived 1:30 AM Friday morning with nothing more than a backpack and basically homeless. He was actually planning to sleep on a bench at the airport and then going to Mobile Crisis. We set up a cot in our living room and he has spent the weekend with us. Since then, we introduced him to two other Christian First Nations men who are willing to let him roommate with them in their condo. Looks like a good fit for all three of them. He will need to wait 5 business days before he is able to get assistance from Social Services and so he is looking for work in the meantime. This means that he will also need some food to tide him over until he has some income.
We continue to cautiously move forward at the jail contacting our volunteers and beginning the process of clearances to welcome them back. Right now, plans are in place to begin very small volunteer led chapel services as early as next week.
The kids are looking forward to getting back to school on the first of September and they will be attending online again except for Alexah who wants to finish Grade 8 in class at St. Jerome.
Our thanks to everyone who continues to hold us up in prayer and support our ministry.