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SKMB Praise and Prayer Bulletin – June 2023

Permission from saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo

June 4th
National Assembly & AGM (Canada MB)
Please pray for Elton DaSilva and his staff as they lead us during the National Assembly and AGM (June 8). Pray that the Holy Spirit might refresh and empower participants to be faithful in advancing the Gospel.
June 11th
SKMB Discipleship Coach
Please pray for Luke Etelamaki as he supports our churches and camps in their mission of making disciples. Pray also as he carries the role of Chief Liaison while our DM, Phil Gunther is on Sabbatical.
June 18st
Summer Children’s Ministry
Please pray for our churches and camps as they are planning their summer ministry programs. Pray for the hearts of the leaders, and that the Holy Spirit will be working in the lives of the children attending.
June 25th
Gospel Workers
Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women and men passionate about going into their Saskatchewan village, town or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2).

Permission from saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo