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SKMB Praise and Prayer Bulletin – April 2023

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April 2nd
Assembly 2023
Praise the Lord for a truly inspiring SKMB Assembly. Pray that what was heard and learned at the Assembly would renew passion for making disciples in Saskatchewan.
April 9th
SKMB Executive Board
Pray for our provincial Executive Board (Gord, Gwen, Dave, David, Maureen) as they work to continue to the mission and ministry of SKMB.
April 16th
National Executive Board
Pray for our National Executive Board as they meet April 20-22 in Winnipeg to manage the work of the M.B. family in Canada. Pray for Phil Gunther as he represents Saskatchewan. Pray also for Cam Stuart our National Executive Board Moderator as he leads the team and for our National Director, Elton DaSilva.
April 23rd
Director Of Ministry
Pray for Phil Gunther as he continues to visit our M.B. churches in Saskatchewan inspiring, supporting and resourcing them in the mission of making disciples. Soon he will be on sabbatical (May 15th), pray for impactful ministry days leading up to that time. Pray also for Janine as she supports Phil in his work.
April 30th
Gospel Workers
Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women and men passionate about going into their Saskatchewan village, town or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2)
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