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SKMB On Mission Together – January 31, 2024

Permission from saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo

Interview with a Ministry Intern

Reiley Carlson, originally from Calgary, is a third- year Christian Ministry student at Briercrest College, and since September has been serving as an intern at Parliament Community Church. Through the internship support program, SKMB has partnered financially with Parliament to support Reiley’s formation as a future leader in the church. Reiley was willing to share a little about his experience so far.

Tell us a bit of what you’ve been doing in your internship at Parliament Church. Where have you seen God at work both through your ministry and in your own self?
In my internship I have been doing most of my work as one of two Youth Directors. I oversee the spiritual life of the youth ministry which largely covers leading and planning Bible studies, leading prayer and small group discussions. In addition to my work with the youth, it’s been great to gain experience in all sort of areas, including finances, custodial, elders, tech, and preaching. I have seen God at work through the welcoming and love of the church as they have been so very supportive and gracious of me as I try to learn the ropes of pastoral ministry. I have also seen God at work through the experience that He has been granting me and how He has been equipping me through this time both for future ministry and for life in general.

If someone asked you about what makes for a good church internship, what would you tell them?
What makes a good internship is the freedom to try new things in a church that is patient and gracious. In my internship I have been privileged to have plenty of space to learn through experience and figure things out on my own. I think a good internship finds a balance between trying a large breadth of things in the church and having a specific area of responsibility where they can learn more specifics rather than just tagging along in other ministries.

Any thoughts on where God might be leading you in the future?

I am not totally sure where God will lead me next. The goal is to finish my degree and then go back home to Alberta and work at a church there, likely in youth ministry. Prior to this year I was not sure if youth ministry was for me but the experience this year has given me confidence to start there.

For more info on SKMB support for internships at your church or ministry, check out investing-in-disciples/

Rod Schellenberg, Developmental Leadership Team

Beat the Winter Blues

Dear SKMB Family,
For me, it’s not the cold or snow that makes

winter a hard season to slog through, it’s the darkness. I truly look forward to winter solstice when the movement toward ever darker days pivots and we begin to see more daylight. When I speak with colleagues, they describe January to be the most difficult thirty-one days of the calendar. Some experience a sustained “funk,” others something that feels like depression, and then there are those who grapple with actual depression. My wife loves her daily light therapy and testifies that it genuinely changes her mood. I have found a daily treat beverage at Starbucks to do the trick.

The impact of long winter months is a real thing. Clinically it is referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and should be taken seriously. SAD impacts godly Christians as readily as others. We may live by the Gospel, but we can still grapple with SAD.

Responding positively to SAD:
• Ask the holy Spirit for help.
• Check online for the symptoms of SAD.
• Talk to your physician, counselor or pastor.

• Check out the resources your health plan offers in the way of support.

• Pastors, contact Phil for the additional counselling support SKMB offers.

Rev. Phil Gunther, SKMB Director of Ministry

Permission from saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo