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SKMB On Mission Together – April 26, 2023

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Missional Clarity

It’s been estimated that in the next 10 years, 9,000 churches will be closing their doors for the last time. We take comfort in the reality that Jesus builds His church, that He is faithful and that nothing can stop His mission from advancing. We also know that we have been entrusted as leaders to faithfully steward the church towards faithfulness to Jesus and His mission – that our decisions, focus, and plans have an effect on the church. (Matthew 25:14-30)

We also know that keeping our focus on the right things is a challenge in ministry. The urgent, the unplanned, and the week-to-week needs of the church often create a ministry fog that can easily hinder our ability to keep the mission of Jesus in front of us. From time to time, one of the best things we can do is slow down and ask, “Do we have missional clarity?” “Are we moving towards and pushing in to the mission of Jesus or are we drifting from it?”

The Missional Clarity video series is meant to do one of two things for your leadership team:

1. This series is meant to help you ask that all important question, “Do we have missional clarity?” As you go through the videos and study guide as a team, it will either encourage you in what you are already doing as a team and church and maybe even help your missional focus grow stronger, or it might reveal to you that you have lost sight of the mission of Jesus and you didn’t even notice it and it will help you take steps towards moving back towards clarity.

2. Maybe you know that as a church you have lost sight of the mission. This series is to help you regain clarity on your mission. As you go through this series, you will have the chance to ask where and why you lost sight of the mission, and discover some very practical steps you can take to begin to move the church back towards it.

This series includes six videos, Introduction, Clarity, Gospel, Mission, Commission, and Equipping. There is also a study guide that will help prepare you and your participants for discussion. You know the leadership team you are a part of, you know the needs of your church and the context you are in. The questions in the study guide will act as a spring board to dive deeper. Each session also has some extra resources that might help you or your team participate in an in-depth study on the topic at hand. Again, this course is meant to be a primer on Missional Clarity, so there is plenty of space to dive deeper and explore each topic.

Missional Clarity’s focus is on seeing churches grow in a desire to see the Gospel move forward in their communities. Through it all, our deepest desire is to see you as a leader and for your church to be encouraged and equipped for the mission of Jesus for the glory of God and the good of your context.

We are praying God uses it to see our churches equipped and able to bring the good news of Jesus to the four corners of our province.

Here is the link to the Discussion Guide and the MissionClarity Videos. 

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