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Multiply – Vision for Mission

helping everyday disciples live on mission

High Cost Gospel = High Value Gospel

by Jeremy and Adrienne Penner

We all know that the way of Jesus is costly. Jesus’ upside-down kingdom flips a lot of cultural norms on their heads. For example, in a culture that values power and status, kingdom culture says that the last will be first, so we should take the position of a servant, and humble ourselves. In a culture that values security and comfort, kingdom culture says that we should pick up our cross and suffer as Christ did. In a culture that values being right, the way of the kingdom says that we should lay down our reputation, our pride, and walk in repentance, turning the other cheek and loving our enemies. As we can see, the way of Jesus is radically different then the way of this world. But that means it can cost us a lot―our reputation, our position, our power, our money, our relationships, even our lives.

The costs may look different from country to country, and culture to culture, but one thing doesn’t change―the need for all of us to fully surrender to Jesus. In order to experience the high value Gospel, we must be willing to pay for the high cost Gospel. But let’s be clear―it is absolutely worth it! Jesus is worth our everything!

In Myanmar, the Gospel comes at a high cost. Time and time again, we see brand new disciples facing intense persecution from their Buddhist or Animist families. They have chosen to follow Jesus and to surrender their lives to proclaiming his Good News, but it costs them their families. 

These new disciples all understand the words of Jesus, when he said, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first” (Matthew 19:29-30).

Every disciple would say that Jesus is 100% worth it. But what an intense testing of faith! What grief to see your own family, your mother and father, reject you because of Christ. What pain―pain that many of us do not fully understand. This is why we need the global Church―to learn from one another, to strengthen one another.

Where there are high costs to following our Lord, there is a high value―a deep-rooted faith that cannot be shaken. If Jesus is truly worth giving up everything for, then we would devote our lives to sharing the Good News of salvation with everyone we can, including the families who have rejected us, the neighbours who have offended us, and the enemies who have persecuted us. Because Jesus is worth it all! And everyone, everywhere needs to know.