“Let the sea roar, and everything it contains;Let the field rejoice, and everything that is in it.
Then the trees of the forest will sing for joy in the presence of the Lord;
For He is coming to judge the earth.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;For His faithfulness is everlasting” (1Chronicles 16: 32-34)
Greetings from Osaka, Japan!
Yesterday Cory got a text from a friend who is on the Missions’ trip in Kyushu (about 9 hours drive from here). She has been travelling around Japan sharing gospel and encouraging local believers. At the town of Nagasaki in Kyushu, she was checking in at the guest house and talking with the owner. She told him that she wasn’t sure how long she would stay at the guest house because every day she would wait for God’s plan to be clear for that day. She wrote, “(the owner) said… hmmmm….there were people here before that were similar… also working with God. He brought me a photo and I see it was you guys!!! Hahaha!!! ” We love these connections God is making all over Japan! Please pray for this man, the owner of the guest house, that he would be swept into the kingdom!
Other small things I (Masami) am thankful for this mornig as we look back last two months.
-We give thanks to the Lord for the refreshing two weeks we had in Thailand (Multiply Asia get together and a family vacation)
-We give thanks to the Lord for letting us to meet the brothers from Netherland who urged us that church should be centered around the commuion table not the pulpit
-We give thanks to the Lord for letting us to find the friend’s phone right after we prayed.
-We give thanks to the Lord for bringing K, almost 3 years old boy, into our life through foster program
-We give thanks to the Lord that Team Jesus run into family from south asia at Osaka Castle and the physical healing of their son.
-We give thanks to the Lord that my mother read the comment about the bible in the paper and was open to recieve the Manga bible from me.
Thank you for praying,
Cory and Masami
Praise Items
- For the fun and refreshing time we had in Thailand with Multiply family
- For many opportunities to get together with brothers and sisters in Christ in person (baptism, pot lucks, commissioning service for friends, church camp etc.) Finally, it feels like we are coming out of the Covide restriction time in Japan.
- Start of weekly women’s Sozo (Jesus’ salvation, healing and deliverance) group
Prayer Requests
- For our new foster child, K 3 years old, and his parents and for our family as we welcome him to live with us at the end of this month
- May 27th Ishibashi Church 1st Lunch Program for the children in the neighbourhood. Pray for the leaders (Midori and Aki)
- Alpha marriage course starting on June 24th. Pray that God will bring the couples whom he wants to be there
- For our son Joshua who will move back to Winnipeg, Canada on June 24th. If your church (in Winnipeg) is interested in helping out this MK, please let us know!