“They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honour.” (Psalm 112:9)
Greetings from Osaka, Japan!
I continue to ask God to encourage our hearts to keep on preaching the good news and loving “the least of these”, and God continues to answer this prayer regularly and lovingly.
About a year ago we had a lady from New York show up at the park saying that from about three years ago she sensed that God was sending her to the triangle park in Nishinari Osaka where the Roses Church meets and does outreach. She had been praying and searching on the internet and felt that, out of all the places in Japan, God was sending her to this particular park!
Two weeks ago we were singing worship songs in the park when a Gaijin couple walked by on the street. We called out to them and asked them what brought them to the neighborhood and they said that they were kind-of missionaries. As we continued to talk they said that God had sent them to this location from Louisiana! George said “I’m not the kind of guy that has visions, but suddenly I had a vision that I was standing in Gifu City and there was a line pointing through Osaka and I heard a voice saying “Go out into the highways and hedges” ” So when I found out that this neighborhood was one of the poorest places in Japan we came here”
What a great time we had encouraging one another and sharing stories! Even as we were talking there was another man (from the highways and hedges) who wanted to repent and believe in Jesus. So often we feel discouraged in doing outreach and discipleship – but it is mind-blowing how much Jesus goes out of his way to encourage us and give us “winks” to tell us that he loves us!
I could also talk about two other couples who the Holy Spirit has sent to the park church in the last two months. One couple was given a nudge by another Christian to go and serve at the park, and another couple felt that this was the location where God wanted to be doing deliverance and setting people free!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! Please keep your antenas out to see where God is asking you to go and encourage those who are serving in the highways and hedges. I can testify to the great impact it has when we “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ”. Remember that you may be the means by which God intends to give his grace to those around you.
Thank you for praying,
Cory and Masami
Praise Items
- We thank God that Joshua, our oldest son, has graduated from high school!
- For two weeks family time with Cory’s sister and her family.
- For smooth start of living together with K, our new foster son.
- For new monthly community lunch program at Ishibashi Church.
- For new people whom God is sending to the park church.
Prayer Requests
- For our family as we spend our last week with Joshua!
- July 25th – 27th Japan MD Pastors Retreat. Please pray that it will be a refreshing time for our pastors and their families.
- August 8th – 11th MB Youth Camp (Sola will attend as a camper)
- August 11th – 12th MB Young Adults Camp (Masami will attend as a helped)
- August 19th Ishibashi MB Community Lunch Program