Over the past few years, I’ve shared some thoughts on various topics in this space called “Mike’s Musings” as a part of our e-news. The idea was to give some ‘food for thought’ and share information. Starting this fall, we will change gears, and this space will look different. We will post a new blog post to the church website each week from one of our pastoral staff. These posts, we believe, will be a valuable addition to your spiritual journey, often about the staff person’s ministry, whether it be family ministry, youth, small groups, or more. We will share the first paragraph of each post in the E-news, and a link to read the rest on our website.
Why are we making this change? The goal is to create new content on our church website on an ongoing basis. This is important because Google ranks websites based on content and regular updates. Where people used to find churches by looking in newspaper ads or phone books, they now look online to find a local church in Regina, Sk or perhaps “Church near Harbour landing”. Some people will search for “Is there a God” or “who is Jesus” and we want to be a place where they can find those answers. Others will have a faith connection but want to find a Mennonite Brethren Church in this community. We need to make sure we can be found by our community when they search for questions of faith or are just looking for a church. Along with making ourselves more visible, we hope these blog posts will resource and equip you as we seek to grow as disciples and live out our faith.
Thanks for reading these musings over the past years. We hope you will value what the Pastoral staff share in the coming weeks and months.
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