New to PCC - What to Expect
Welcome to Parliament Community Church! Whether you are exploring who we are, joining us online, or attending in person, we hope you feel welcome and that this information helps you understand who we are and what to expect at PCC.
Who we are
We are a gathering of people who love and want to follow Jesus and live our lives according to His teachings. We partner with other like-minded individuals who are what we call Mennonite Brethren – a reference to our historical foundations. Like other Christian groups, we affirm the confession of faith. Some of the things that we feel shape our identity include being rooted in Scripture for what we believe, we believe in people being baptized after making a confession of faith, and one more unique thing we are identified by is. We believe we are called to be peacemakers and practice non-violence.
As a church gathering in Regina, you will find us to be a diverse group of people. We have people of all ages from children and youth up to Seniors. We have numerous cultures as a part of us, and many different backgrounds and heritages. While we have many things that might make us different from each other, we are united in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Below is some information that might help you if attending in person for the first time:
When arriving at church for the first time, you can park in the church lot or across the street in one of the dentist office parking lots. There is also on-street parking.
Entering the Church
There are several entrances to our church. The main one is the parking lot entrance, but we also have two entrances facing Pasqua St.. Coat racks are off the main church foyer. In our foyer, you will find information about who is involved in ministry, our mission partners, and upcoming events. We also have a Welcome Center where you can ask questions or sign your children in for our programs.
Washrooms and Change tables
Our washrooms are located on the far end of the foyer from the parking lot entrance. Each washroom is handicap accessible and has a change table for those with little ones. If you are having trouble finding the washrooms, please ask anyone you see.
Sunday School and ADC
During the school year, we offer discipleship classes on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. for all ages. Our Adult Discipleship class meets in the church multipurpose room, located to the left when entering from the parking lot. Our children and youth also have classes during this time.
Worship Service
Our worship services start at 10:45 am during the school year, and 10 am in the summer. We encourage you to come dressed so you are comfortable – we have people who wear jeans and others who wear suits. We have all ages in our church and many different cultures. Our services include times of singing, scripture reading and a message. They range in length from 60-75 minutes. Following the service we have a time of connecting with one another with coffee in the foyer.
Live Translation
Each Sunday, following our initial time of singing, we turn on our live translation, which is accessible via a cell phone or tablet. To access it browse to If you need a language not available, please contact us at
What we Believe
As a church we are a part of the Mennonite Brethren churches in Canada. We have a shared Confession of Faith outlining what we believe. This can be accessed at
About Menu
Upcoming Events
Feb 18 - 9:30 am
Playgroup parents and kids ages 4 and under
Feb 20 - 9:30 am
Women & Men's Prayer Meeting