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What Is Your New Year’s Resolution?

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What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

Did anyone make a New Year’s resolution for 2025? As we make our way into the later part of January, different studies tend to suggest that a majority of people who make New Year’s resolutions will give up and quit within the first month.

There are many reasons why we give up on these new plans, many of which are valid, but it often comes down to a lack of hope. “I won’t be able to sustain going to the gym every week.” “I don’t think I will ever get freed up from work to spend more free time with friends or family.” “The temptation to default back to my bad habits is too strong to overcome.” These thoughts can weigh heavily on us, and over time, they can cause us to abandon our goals entirely.

Everyone is susceptible to these feelings. Creating stronger, healthier habits is no easy task, especially if we have significant obstacles. It takes a resilient commitment to change our ways and sometimes an extra serving of grace when we make mistakes.

Luckily for us Christians, we have the greatest hope around. Jesus offers freedom found nowhere else in the world, and in that freedom, we are awakened to new possibilities and strength to persevere in any resolutions we may have. In Him, we are reminded that transformation is not solely dependent on our strength but on His power working in and through us.

So often, we think of our resolutions as things that we want to change or grow in. This isn’t all bad, but if we can reframe our mindset to ask what God might lead us toward or teach us this year, it can completely change everything. When we submit our will to God’s all-powerful will, we become rooted in something more profound than ourselves.

This doesn’t mean that our resolutions will now fall into place easily without effort. Jesus reminded us that we will face trials and difficulties in John 16:33, “But take heart! I have overcome the world!”. With that in mind, it is no longer just you fighting; Jesus is side by side. And having overcome the world, there isn’t a better partner to have.

Not only does He provide us with strength to be resilient, but He is also abundant in grace for when we falter. Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us that the Lord’s compassions “are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.”

Even for those who don’t make official New Year’s resolutions, I believe we strive to be a little more like Christ each day. Some days, we make big steps forward; other days, we take steps backward. It is crucial to find the balance between encouragement and accountability within yourself, potentially with others around you, and most importantly, with God.

So, whatever you are striving towards in 2025, I hope we never lose sight of the best resolution- to grow closer to Jesus each day. While there are many other positive steps to take and areas to grow in, nothing should come before our relationship with Jesus. I believe that when Jesus is the center point of our lives, He will guide us towards resolutions that are best for our lives and walk alongside us in them.

Resolutions are a journey, not a destination. Every small step toward positive change is worth celebrating, even if it feels insignificant. God can use the smallest of things for significant change later, so as we reflect on what resolutions we have made, formal or informal, I hope we remember that when God is working in us is when we will experience the most change for the better. We are not tied to the success of whether we lost enough weight or have eaten enough vegetables, but we are children of God, and nothing can take that away.

Chris Reimer is the Youth Director at Parliament Community Church in Regina, SK, located near Harbour Landing. As a church, we offer programs for all ages, from children to youth, young adults to Seniors who are part of our Heritage groups. We are also diverse in cultural backgrounds but share a desire to grow as disciples of Christ together.