Wendy Eros, January 2025 THE JAPANADIAN
“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I
will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.” Psalm 13:5-6
Welcome to 2025 and I pray that this year will be a much better one for us all. It was hard to say
goodbye to some dear friends who went home to be with Jesus as I know I won’t see them when I
return to Canada this year…that will be difficult indeed.
By now, most of you know that I will be retiring from Multiply on July 31 st of this year. It was a hard
decision to make, especially as I love living in Nagoya very much. But as I’m turning 66 in March, I
realize it’s time to try and settle back into Canada for my ‘golden years’….lol. I sure hope their golden
but probably will be closer to silver for me, like my hair! After serving 18 plus years with Multiply,
almost 15 of those in Japan, it will seem strange at first to not have to prepare for 17 classes each
week, but I’m sure I will adjust to it over time. I will provide more information in my next few
newsletters, so please keep an eye for that.
Thank you very much for your prayers for all the Christmas events in the churches and with the
gospel choirs. The ESL parties went very well and we played a few new games which added lots of
laughter and joy to the occasions. I really enjoyed sharing the Christmas story with the choir ESL
classes for the first time and had lots of fun decorating the churches for our class parties. And there
was lots of baking to be done which added to the busyness of the season. But the Lord gave me
energy to make it through and then allowed me a good rest through the new year’s break. I’m so
grateful for how God’s timing is always perfect and things ran very smoothly this year. Praise the
January started out pretty good but then I suddenly got Influenza A…I have no idea from where, but it
showed up this past weekend. It’s weird because I feel okay…I just had a sore throat and dry cough
and thought it might be bronchitis, so I went to the doctor. They said I had a fever of 38 and tested me
for the flu. I have to stay inside my house for 5 days! We had to cancel classes this week and I felt
really sad about that. Pray that I will be able to resume classes & choir practices as scheduled for
Friday, Jan. 25 th.
In February, there will be a team of 7 coming from Canada for prayer and vision about future
connections for Multiply. Please pray for this group and that they will have clarity and wisdom from
the Lord. Pray also for safety in their travels and opportunities to witness to the churches, ESL
students and community.
Some praise items:
- Praise that the Christmas parties and church events went well. Some students
attended Christmas service at both churches which was very encouraging. - Praise for ‘messenger’ calls so that I can speak with my family back in Canada,
especially during holidays and birthdays! - Praise for good health throughout December and lots of energy for many parties.
- Praise that Anne McNaughton is making a good recovery after her knee
replacement in December.
Some prayer items:
Talking with my
- Pray for the ESL students to be able to find new schools, as when I leave, the ESL program
will close at both churches. Pray for the churches to begin evangelizing in the communities
without this program. - Pray for me, especially over the next couple of months, as I prepare to return to Canada. I will
have to sort, pack and ship my personal belongings (no furniture thank goodness) and need to
raise enough support until the end of July, which is when I will officially retire from Multiply. - Pray for Chizuko Fuwa (the wife of Fuwa sensei who was the pastor at Komaki Hope Chapel
but they now attend Fujigaoka Christ Church). She was recently diagnosed with stage 4
pancreatic cancer. Pray for God’s healing touch on her body as she is not able to have chemo
or surgery at this point.
I look forward to hearing from you about how your Christmas and New Year’s was spent. I hope you’ll
enjoy the many photos I took during our events here.
With blessings and a very grateful heart,
Wendy ��
If you would like to partner with this ministry, please make cheques payable to “Multiply” and include project
code C0534 on the memo line and mail 300-32040 Downes Rd, Abbotsford, BC V4X 1X5. Or you can donate
online at: https://multiply.net/global-worker/wendy-eros