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The Value of Camp Ministry

I believe that camp is one of the best experiences to ignite or reignite your faith, as I have personally experienced the renewed excitement and commitment as a camper wanting to come home and live more for Jesus, as well as a staff when I have seen my faith grow dramatically over the course of a couple of months. 

Working at a summer camp is some of the hardest, longest, most challenging work you could find for a summer job. And yet, in the midst of being the most physically drained and at the end of your mental and emotional abilities, there is no better time to turn completely to God and watch Him do things you wouldn’t have had a chance to do without Him.

Camp is among the best places for youth and young people to work. There isn’t an extensive list of requirements needed to apply, and it offers a variety of opportunities and experiences that are hard to replicate anywhere else.

The great commission tells us to go and make disciples of all nations. In my short time as a staff, I have had the tremendous privilege of seeing some youth serving in camp environments and putting their faith into action. Camp is an incredible environment for young people to grow in their faith and get to practice living it out in a supportive and encouraging environment. Then, when they return home, they can bring a new perspective and confidence in the power of Christ that they have witnessed firsthand. Having the opportunity to serve alongside many young people over the years has been a huge blessing. I can’t wait to continue to see them grow as they learn to be more confident in who God calls them to be and trust Him in more and more situations. 

One classic saying as a staff is that camp is for the campers. Having this focus front and center is key, as it forces people to look at why they are at camp and check where their heart is before they jump into their role of serving. In our individualistic culture, this can be very uncomfortable and challenging. Yet, it is essential to the operation of camp, so having a community of people around you to support you can make this process a little easier.

As a camper, you get to come to a new place for a week, move in with your friends and other kids for the week and take part in a number of activities that you might only get a chance to do while at camp. You meet new people, get a chance to unplug from the world’s many distractions and replace that time with chapel, singing, and face-to-face community. The presence of God can be felt as each day is filled with songs, devotions, Bible challenges, and sometimes a prize for the cabin that can memorize the most verses!

ELEVATE is a Bible-memorization program that PCC has been offering for the last four years. It allows children and youth to memorize and recite Bible verses to another individual. If they memorize the full 100-verse list, they receive a week at a summer camp FREE, paid by PCC! 

If you are interested in ELEVATE, please reach out so we can get you started towards a week at camp! For kids up to grade 6, contact Kristen, and for youth grades 7-11, contact Chris or visit! For more information about youth, please click here or contact Chris ">here.

Chris Reimer is the Youth Director at Parliament Community Church in Regina, SK, Which is located near Harbour Landing. As a church, we offer programs for all ages, from children to youth, young adults to Seniors who are part of our Heritage groups. We are also diverse in cultural backgrounds but share a desire to grow as disciples of Christ together.