SKMB is the Saskatchewan ministry arm of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
November 7th
National Executive Board
Please pray for our national MB Executive Board. Pray especially for Elton DaSilva (National Director) and Ron Penner (National Moderator). Pray for wisdom as they lead our MB community through this extended pandemic season.
November 14th
Mini Equip
Please pray for our National Faith & Life Team as they host a mini-EQUIP training event for the MB family November 18-20. Pray for David Fitch as he speaks to us about the church in 2021. Pray also for Ken Esau (interim National FLT Director) as he leads this event.
November 21st
SKMB Director of Ministry
Please continue to pray for Phil Gunther as he supports our churches and camps in their mission of making disciples.
November 28th
Gospel Workers
Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women and men passionate about going into their Saskatchewan village, town or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2).