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SKMB Praise and Prayer Bulletin: May 2021

Permission from saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo

SKMB is the Saskatchewan ministry arm of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. 


Supporting SKMB Churches and camps in making disciples.


In partnership with Multiply, SKMB is looking for people of prayer to join the Prairie Prayer Team to pray for the SKMB ministry in Saskatchewan. Contact Ryan Epp: 


May 2nd
SKMB Discipleship Coach
Please continue to pray for Luke Etelamaki as he supports our churches and camps in their mission of making disciples.

May 9th
Pastoral Searches
Please pray for Grace Community Church (Herbert) and Parkland Community Church (Yorkton) as they search for pastors. Pray for wisdom and discernment.

May 16th
Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel
Pray for pastor Rick Schellenberg and the Blaine Lake Gospel Chapel (BLGC), situated approximate 80 km north of Saskatoon. BLGC began services in 1906.  BLGC exists to provide opportunities for people to experience Christ and express His love to their community, province and world.

May 23rd
SKMB Director of Ministry
Please continue to pray for Phil Gunther as he supports our churches and camps in their mission of making disciples.

May 30th
Gospel Workers
Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women and men passionate about going into their Saskatchewan village, town or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2).


Rev. Philip A. Gunther – Director of Ministry

306.533.6191   /   

600 – 45th St. Street West – Saskatoon   S7L 5W9

1639 Wingert Dr. N. – Regina   S4X 4P9

Permission from saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo