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SKMB Praise and Prayer Bulletin – June 2022

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SKMB is the Saskatchewan ministry arm of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.

June 5th

National Assembly

Pray for our national leaders as they act upon the decision made at this year’s virtual National Assembly (June 9-11). Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide and empower our denominational leaders on missons.

June 12th

Glenbush MB church

Pray for Pastor Monty and Nancy Buhler and the Glenbush MB Church today. Pray especially for Nancy as she undergoes chemotherapy. Glenbush MB Church is dedicated to advancing the gospel and making much of Jesus in their community.

June 19th

Gospel Workers

Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women, and men passionate about into their Saskatchewan village, town, or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2).

June 26th


Pray for summer ministry of West Bank Bible Camp and RedBerry Bible Camp. Pray that staff would boldly proclaim the gospel and possess health to serve. Pray that many youth would come to faith in Jesus.

saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo