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SKMB Praise and Prayer Bulletin: January 2021

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SKMB is the Saskatchewan ministry arm of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. 


Supporting SKMB Churches and camps in making disciples.


In partnership with Multiply, SKMB is looking for people of prayer to join the Prairie Prayer Team to pray for the SKMB ministry in Saskatchewan. Contact Ryan Epp: 


January 3rd

Pray for our SK. Leadership

As you gaze upon the threshold of a new year, we as SKMB leadership on the Executive Board covet your prayers as we plan to inspire, empower and support churches and camps in making disciples.  Executive Board


January 10th

Pray for our Cdn. Leadership

Pray for our National Director (Elton DaSilva), our National Faith & Life Director (Ingrid Reichart) and our national Executive Board Moderator (Ron Penner) as they seek the Lord on behalf of the Cdn. Mennonite Brethren.  Pray for their health and for wisdom.


January 17th

Christian Fellowship Church (Lanigan)

This small community congregation started November 1972 with thirteen adherents.  Today Pastor Tim (Jaymie) Peters shepherds the church.  The mission of the church is: Knowing and serving Jesus Christ together.  Pray for CFC and its leadership as they serve and give witness of Jesus in Lanigan.


January 24th

Gospel Workers

Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women and men passionate about going into their Saskatchewan village, town or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2).


January 31st

SKMB Director of Ministry

Please continue to pray for Phil & Janine as they connect with SKMB churches, pastors and church leadership teams.  They ask for health and wisdom.


Rev. Philip A. Gunther – Director of Ministry

306.533.6191   /  

1639 Wingert Dr. N. – Regina   S4X 4P9

Permission from saskatchewan conference of mennonite brethern churches logo