February 5th
Family Matters
Please pray for Grace (and Al) Harstone (Meadow Lake) and Nancy (and Monty) Buhler (Glenbush) as they deal with significant health challenges. Pray for strength, peace and patience for them. Pray for Darrel Wiebe, the moderator at Riverbend Fellowship (Borden), as he recovers from surgery.
February 12th
SOAR 2023
Pray for the Multiply SOAR SASKATCHEWAN 2023 event taking place in Saskatoon February 16 – 20 in Saskatoon. Pray that the Lord would shake up hearts and spark a new passion for following Jesus amongst those attending. Pray for Ryan and Terr Epp as they lead this discipleship venture.
February 19th
Pastor/Director Transitions
Pray for Riverbend Fellowship (Borden) as their pastor, Ron Mills concluded his ministry at the church this January. Pray for Dave Carey as he begins his role as director at Redberry Bible Camp.
February 26th
Gospel Workers
Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women, and men passionate about going into their Saskatchewan village, town or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2)