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SKMB Praise and Prayer Bulletin – April 2022

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SKMB is the Saskatchewan ministry arm of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.

April 3rd
Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in the 25 MB churches serving their communities in the Ukraine. They face great risks and overwhelming needs as they serve in Jesus’ name. May the Gospel be advanced in this country torn apart by war.
April 10th
Gospel Workers
Please ask the Lord of the harvest for workers, women and men passionate about going into their Saskatchewan village, town or city with the Gospel of Christ Jesus (Luke 10:2).  
April 17th
He Is Risen!
Offer up praise and thanksgiving to God for He has given us victory over sin and death through the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ Jesus.  Blessed be the name of the LORD!
April 24th
Director of Ministry
Please pray for traveling mercies as Phil drives Saskatchewan roads to connect with SKMB churches and camps.  Pray also for good health and wisdom.

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