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SKMB On Mission Together: February 9, 2022

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“Closed” Rural MB Church on Mission

Main Centre MB Church ended its regular services on June 9, 2019, but never formally closed church as a ‘legal’ entity. We wanted to sell out manse and give ourselves time to consider the future of our building. As you know, we are a historic church with a long legacy begun in 1904. It is a home church for many who later moved across the country. Our grandparents founded this church creating strong emotional ties. At our 2019 annual meeting members expressed a strong desire for it to remain as a memorial. It is on the main road through Main Centre close to the road – many people drive by every day and former members return to relive their memories. Through 2019 we continued our monthly services with the residents in the care homes in Herbert, led by one of our members, which continued till March of 2020 when covid hit. We were able to resume this in Dec. 2021 in one of the Care Homes. Our building was also used on several other occasions. We continue to have our yearly annual meeting with continued donations to cover utility expenses.

In the summer of 2020 our former pastor Ken Epp, who lives in Indonesia, told us about an Iranian Christian family who fled Iran under persecution and now lives in Indonesia under UN refugee status. They were looking for some group to sponsor them to come to Canada so Ken contacted us in Main Centre. We decided to form a sponsorship group and the church agreed to be the funds holder for any donations to this cause. So Main Centre MB Church became the Constituent Group under MCC SK, the Sponsorship Agreement Holder. We had sponsored three other refugee families in the past and thought this should be okay. We are now waiting for final approval from the visa office in Singapore before our refugees can come to Canada. MCC SK told us the process could take at least 2 years – since covid, applications have processed even more slowly.

We proceeded with fundraising as we needed to have funds in place or pledged before we could send the application to the government. People responded generously to our appeal and some donors made their donations immediately. Our refugee fund grew to $15,000 with the rest promised in pledges.
For more information on sponsoring refugees click here.

Carol Siebert,
Member, Main Centre MB Church

A Word from the DM

Hello SKMB Family,
The new Bill C4, regarding the criminalization of Conversion Therapy, passed recently, is a significant
concern for the church. The recent CCMBC Town Hall was a great primer about the bill. Ted Falk (MP,
Manitoba) and Kevin Boonstra (CCMBC Attorney) were the advisors for the event.

I wanted to communicate that this matter is front and center for MBs, and leadership is working to provide robust guidance for churches on this new law. We would ask for patience as we hold a Christ-like posture and seek to provide wise direction.

Please pray for wisdom as we navigate this matter.

Rev. Philip A. Gunther
Director Of Ministry

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