Greetings from Multiply,
Thank you for playing a vital role in the advancement of God’s kingdom around the world. Your prayers are essential and appreciated. Many blessings on you as you continue to serve the King in your neighborhood, nation and world.
July 3, 2022
Johann & Hedi Matthies
Multiply workers in Germany
Pray for:
- Johann’s role as the director of European mission development
- Wisdom and safety in travels as he helps coordinate Ukraine relief efforts
- Churches to have resources to care for refugees from Ukraine
July 10, 2022
Junji & Hitomi Nukaga
Multiply workers in Thailand
Pray for:
- Church planting and leadership development among the Khmu
- Training of church leader through the Changed Life Center
July 17, 2022
Kai & Denisa
Multiply workers in West Africa
Pray for:
- Discernment as ministry with local organization comes to an end
- Guidance form God regarding next assignment in Africa or elsewhere
- Opportunities to invest gifts, passions and practical skills in leadership development
July 24, 2022
Katie Mount
Multiply worker in Thailand
Pray for:
- A fruitful time visiting supporters in North America until August 12
- For Gideon and Fon as they care for those at Zion Church on Monkey Mountain
July 31, 2022
Kyla Sinclair-Peters
Multiply Worker in Canada
Pray for:
- Her ministry among an unreached minority people group in Toronto
- Young believers in this group to be raised up as leaders
- Summer camps to impact many young lives with the Gospel