Greetings from Multiply (formerly MB Mission),
Thank you for playing a vital role in the advancement of God’s kingdom around the world. Your prayers are essential and appreciated. Many blessings on you as you continue to serve the King in your neighborhood, nation and world.
January 2, 2022
Cecil & Tracy Ramos
Multiply workers in Thailand
Pray for:
- Ongoing food deliveries during the pandemic
- Health for national leaders recovering from COVID-19
January 9, 2022
Cory & Masami Giesbrecht
Multiply workers in Japan
Pray for:
- Monthly worship cafes and ministry to the homeless in downtown Osaka
- Roses Church, meeting outdoors in an urban park
- The ongoing translation of key ministry resources
January 16, 2022
Cynthia Friesen
Multiply worker in Thailand
Pray for:
- Ministry to young women incarcerated at a Juvenile Detention Centre
- English teachers to come and serve in this ministry
- Women at Naomi House who are recovering from COVID-19
January 23, 2022
Dylan & Mary (D & M)
Multiply workers in Austria
Pray for:
- Discerning church-planting strategies in Austria
- Work with refugees and new immigrants
- Ministry through a multi-cultural Bible study group
January 30, 2022
David & Sarah (D & S)
Multiply workers in South Asia, Canada
Pray for:
- Effective resourcing of emerging MB church networks in South Asia
- Expansion of global ministry training centers
- A new initiative among Punjabi immigrants in Canada