On Sunday we asked the church to text in what they were thankful for this year – and they did! Below are the thanksgivings that were shared with us via text. If you want to share your thanksgiving with everyone you can text us at 306-992-2611. Here are your thanksgivings:
An amazing partner for life.
Spiritual heritage.
The gift of music
Our church family
A job
Problems for growth
Challenges in life
Pastor Mike
Pastor Ben
Pastor Kristen
Our worship team
God’s word
God’s plan for my life
The Holy Spirit
Free healthcare
Financial resources
That I live in Regina
That my grandparents emigrated from Russia to Sk.
Glasses to bring the world into focus
Good quality food and water
That I responded to God’s call on my life
My boss at work
Being able to serve
I am thankful that God has promised to call his people home and give them rest when their time on earth is over. My mom is now at home and enjoying Gods Presence
I’m thankful for
– family, community
– a beautiful autumn season
– health care
– God’s love
– Jesus’ example & sacrifice
– God’s faithfulness
– the gift of the Holy Spirit
I’m thankful for science and knowledge. I’m glad that God made our bodies the way he did and he gave us medicine and doctors to help us overcome disease and discomfort. The complexity of it all is amazing to me.
I am thankful for my health, my family, my amazing friends, my job, my home, my cats, my dogs and most of all for my Lord and Savior.
I am thankful for supportive, loving family & friends, Jesus’s love and mercy towards us, an abundance of food, freedom and health.
So thankful for God’s faithfulness, His love, His presence, His grace and mercy. He is sufficient for all my needs. 👍🙏😊❤️
Family, food, hospitals, our furnace, trees, winter clothes
I am thankful for newcomers this morning.
My dog. That I get to have a meal with my family. My home and family.
Simon is thankful for: “my brother and making seasonal crafts.”
I’m thankful for our health care system and all the ways it supports and helps my family.
I am thankful for the job and capable of being used by God as a vessel.
I’m thankful for Peter’s drumming.
I don’t regularly come to church, but I have strong faith in our Lord. I am most thankful for:
-being above ground
-me and my family’s health throughout this pandemic
-being able to have a job and provide for my family
-being able to donate for others in need
-being able to enjoy a peaceful life