Just sending you all a quick update that I have an apartment and will be moving over the next couple of days. It is located just under a kilometer from two different subway stations and Fujigaoka Christ Church. Please pray for good weather during the move as it is still the rainy season here in the Nagoya/Komaki area. The temperature is hovering around 28-32 during the day and the humidity today was 92%… so it’s a little warm. Summer is definitely here and I pray that as you all head into summer in Canada & the US that you will keep safe and healthy. Praying there won’t be another heat wave like last year.
It’s been a joy to connect with a few former students already and I look forward to meeting up with more over the next couple of months. I attended church at Komaki Hope Chapel last Sunday with a former student who is now attending there with her son… praise the Lord! Please pray that more students will start coming on Sunday mornings to the churches in Japan!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. I’ll so up another newsletter when I get settled, and I’ll include my new address.
Blessings to you all,
Wendy 🙂