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Wendy Eros – November 2024

Wendy Eros, November 2024    THE JAPANADIAN                                    

“You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.”    Luke 1:30

It’s so hard to believe it’s already December. This year has gone by so quickly, with so many ups and downs, and soon it will be another new year. November kept me pretty busy (as usual…lol) and I hope you’ll enjoy catching up with me.

On Nov. 3rd our advanced gospel choir performed 4 songs at the Women’s International Day Festival in Nagakute. Some of the students came to cheer me on and felt very moved by our performance. So much so, that one student is planning to join choir in the new year…praise the Lord!

Every year on Nov. 11th, my oldest son Trevor plays his trumpet at the Legion Cemetery in Chilliwack in honour of his grandfather (my dad), Elvin “Joe” Eros who fought in the Korean war. This year marked the 28th consecutive year he has done this. I am so proud of how faithful he is in doing this on behalf of our family, no matter what the weather is like. This year his whole family joined him. Sometimes his daughters will read Psalm 23 or In Flanders Fields, but this year Trevor did the readings. Thank you again Trevor for showing your love for your grandparents in this special way.

For movie night in November we watched “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Although this movie is 78 years old and in black and white, the students enjoyed it very much. The opening scene of hearing all the prayers going up to God for George reminds us of how important prayer is. No matter what difficulties we face, we can pray for wisdom, guidance and help. We are surrounded by family and friends who love us very much and will do anything to help us, but we need to remember to share our feelings, good or bad, and not hide the hurt we feel inside. I think it was good for them to see how George had the opportunity to see what life would be like if he had never been born. It gives us all a chance to understand how each of our lives impacts so many people. Please pray for the students to remember this.

On Nov. 24th, the OneVoice Gospel choir, along with the Rainbow Kids and OneVoice Kids choir, held a big concert. Thank you so much for your prayers for this event. I felt them all day and knew God was with us and poured out his love over the 700 people in attendance, as well as all the choir members. Although we didn’t see the kids perform, I heard from many students and friends who came that the kids put on a wonderful musical. Our gospel choir & advanced team (left) also sang with such passion and power that many people were moved to tears. That filled me with such joy as I know it was the Holy Spirit’s presence in the hall that spoke to so many. My former physiotherapist from Toyota came with his family (right), and many former students also attended. It was very overwhelming afterwards to receive so many beautiful flowers and gifts. I felt God’s love pour out of me during my solo on “He Reigns” (by the Newsboys). It was a night I will remember with such joy and thankfulness to God for his grace and mercy in allowing me to be a part of this amazing choir. One special highlight was when Sachi sensei allowed me to pray for all of us before the final rehearsal & performance. The room was so quiet as I prayed and Miho translated…and afterwards there were many “Amens” and clapping. Praise the Lord and please pray that many of the members will come to know Jesus personally.

 Fujigaoka church  members

On Nov. 30th, Fujigaoka hosted their annual wreath-making event. It was so great to see some former students once again. One of the ladies used to bring her son to my class when I first started teaching here in 2006. Keita is now 24 and has 3 children (a boy and twin girls), all under the age of 3. I still remember him as a 5 year old shy boy…where has the time gone? I am so grateful to God for being able to see these women and catch up on their lives. And it’s a blessing that they came to church to make wreaths this year. Please pray for all the students, present and former, and that the seeds of hope that have been planted in so many lives will bring about a bountiful harvest.

With Christmas just around the corner, December will be another busy month with class parties and lots of baking. Please pray for extra energy to get everything done in time and that the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus, will be clearly understood through chapel times this month. Please also pray for many students to attend the Christmas services with potluck lunch at both churches.

Some praise items:

  • Praise that the two concerts in November went well and many students came to watch the performances. Praise everything went well and even though I did almost fall during my solo, the Lord kept me upright and I was able to avoid a very embarrassing moment.
  • Praise for the wreath making events at the churches last weekend (Nov. 30th & Dec. 1st) and for the many former students who attended. Praise the Lord for the chance to reconnect with these ladies.

Some prayer items:

  • On top of those listed throughout my newsletter, please pray for the Christmas events. Pray for the Christmas story to be fully understood and that the hearts of the students will be open to receiving Jesus this year. Pray that all of the students and I will remain in good health throughout the holidays.
  • Pray for Anne McNaughton, our zoom prayer leader for Japan. She had knee replacement surgery on Nov. 29th. Please pray for complete healing.
  • Pray for the OneVoice choir members and that as we continue to practice that they will want to know more about God. Pray for boldness and for more opportunities to share the gospel.

This will be my last newsletter of 2024. I’m sorry that there is a postal strike in Canada right now. As you know I usually mail Christmas cards to all of you but this will be the first year I haven’t done that…☹ Please know that I wish each and everyone of you and your families a very blessed Christmas season and healthy, happy New Year. May God bless you all in 2025.

Love and hugs,

Wendy 😊

   “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given…”

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