On the surface, it’s beautiful here in Lithuania. The quality of life seems to be getting better and better. But below the surface, there’s a lot of darkness, people are still hopeless. We have one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. People are sick with depression, and many are addicted to alcohol and drugs. In addition, about 75% of Lithuanians call themselves Catholics. But unfortunately, it’s mostly traditional, it’s not a life-changing faith. It’s just the culture of religion, but no one is going deeper to know God. Jesus, however, is inviting people to change their ways. And when we see people here in Lithuania go deep with God, their lives are transformed as they encounter the presence of God. It’s so beautiful. Our church here is called 180° because we are prophetically inviting Lithuanians to change their ways, turning away from their empty traditions and embracing the light of Jesus Christ. Our vision is simply to make disciples who make more disciples. Six years ago, we started a Bible Study group, and it grew into a church. Now we encourage our people in the church to start Bible study groups in hopes that they will also become church planters. It’s not always easy in Lithuania, because you’re giving your heart to people and sometimes they just walk away, like they don’t care. This can be painful. But when we go to the silence, Jesus comes to us with a huge hug, and he invites us to remember the cross. Now we are seeing people coming back to God. It’s not about how we found them, but how God found them. When the Holy Spirit touches hearts, something happens. People are experiencing hope and peace like never before. More and more people are coming to Christ and joining the church. They want to read the Bible. They want to share the Gospel. So we need help. It means so much to us to have co-workers like Rick and Karen Sawatzky from Canada here to support our ministry. To have people from other countries who are doing Bible studies and seminars or serving with children’s camps, it’s just so helpful. These workers are brothers and sisters for us. They are parents and grandparents. Our church is made up of mostly young adults and young families, so they need people to walk with them, to mentor them and disciple them, encouraging them in their faith. It’s really important. We want to be faithful with what God has given us in Lithuania. Will you join us? Please consider coming to Lithuania to serve with us and be a part of running this faithful marathon for God.
WATCH To watch the Join our Team video from Lithuania, featuring Gediminas and Kristina, as well as Rick and Karen, go to multiply.net/story/join-our-team-in-lithuania |