September has come and almost gone. There is a lot happening in our lives at this time. Austria has decided to NOT go into lock down, in spite of the Covid infections being on the rise. Our schools have opened, and everyone is waiting to see what will happen. Just today, we again heard someone saying, “We just have to learn to live with this bug.” I guess that is what we are doing.
Praise Items
- We had a wonderful 5-day holiday filled with surprises. We loved hiking, relaxing at a pool, reading, enjoying two concerts (not planned) and eating great food. It was so good to get away from work and enjoy the Austrian mountains.
- All our churches are having services in their buildings and on-line. Although fewer people attend, the ones that do feel connected and blessed.
- Nine people have registered to attend the Open Hearts course being offered in the next weeks.
Prayer Items
- Please pray for both of us as we lead small groups and teach several of the sessions in our Open Hearts course on September 25th and 26th, October 2nd, 3rd, 16th and 17th.
- Pray for each of the participants. Pray that they will be open to the process of healing that God wants to do in their lives. Pray that those who do not yet know Jesus, the wounded Healer, will find Him as their hope.
- Pray for both of us, as we are in the midst of taking an on-line course, “Journeying Together”, provided by our mission agency. This course is designed to give us common language and shared vision towards our goal: “Together that the world my know Jesus.” Sometimes this course challenges our technical abilities!!
Thank you for your gifts of prayer and finances! May God give you peace and patience for the challenges that come during this very interesting season.
Richard & Hazel