SOAR Heartland Reflections – 2022
I stood in the back of the sanctuary during the first night of SOAR and watched as over 200 youth and young adults raised their hands together in worship and I was overcome by the presence of God.
In 2020 two weeks before SOAR Heartland was about to start we hit out first set of COVID lockdowns and we quickly adjusted SOAR to be online (back when zoom was a novelty). This year only weeks before SOAR was about to begin, all restrictions were removed and again we were able to host a fully in-person SOAR event.
This year we had 9 teams join with a total of 125 participants. Six of the teams joined for SOAR EX, the shortened 4 day SOAR program and the rest stayed to engage 3 more days of ministry for a full 7 days.
Coming into SOAR, I was concerned that the many things which have divide community over the last couple years would find its way into the SOAR community and distract everyone, keeping us away from fully engaging God’s call. However, as we engaged in worship together I feel like all the differences faded away and the unifying call of Jesus to come and remain in him took over.
This year the theme for SOAR Heartland was Breathe, inviting people to remain connected to the vine as outline in John 15 and inhale the life giving breathe of God into our lives and exhale anything that God is asking us to lay down.
I loved seeing individuals soak in the teaching and engage discussion with their teams as they processed what this meant personally for each of them. I was encouraged to see teams fully enter in with ministries in Winnipeg’s North End, serving some marginalized communities. But it was overwhelming to see people fully encounter meeting with Jesus in corporate worship.
I am currently debriefing with each of the team leaders but so far I have been so blessed to hear the testimonies of how participants were impacted by Christ and excited to continue their journey of engaging in mission with Jesus. One of the team leaders mentioned to me that on the last night of SOAR as they were driving home as a group they made the leader promise that they could return next year for SOAR.
It was good to be back in person together meeting Jesus, having him transform our lives and serving with him on mission. The unity of the body returns as we again find ourselves rooted in Christ and remaining in the vine.
Check out this highlight video from SOAR Heartland 2022:
See how SOAR has impacted people for 19 years and raised up some awesome ministry leaders.
SOAR Alberta
We are currently planning for the first SOAR Alberta. This will be happening in Calgary July 8-12. As this is the first SOAR program in Alberta join us in praying for all the details including teams to come, ministries to partner with, meals, overnights, worship, and teaching.
There is still a lot of planning to be done for SOAR Alberta, but I am excited to bring this opportunity for the church to engage local mission.
Check out more about SOAR Alberta here:
SOAR Alberta (
Family Update
Lincon our youngest foster son will be transitioning to an adoptive home in the next few weeks. This will be bitter sweet to have to say goodbye, but also know that he is going to a family that has been waiting for a little baby and will love him. Pray for our family as we anticipate and go through this transition.