What do we do? And how do we know that what we are doing is actually doing something?
I know that I can answer these questions, but when put into written words, it is, I am finding more complex. What are the measurable results of what Regina Discipleship Project is doing?
At the end of June, I gave certificates to 4 people who successfully completed the Journey Through the Bible Discipleship Course. At Gentle Road, between April and August, we had baptized 24 people. We have identified six individuals who are very interested in the Regina Discipleship Project whom we want to bring into the inner circle. Even today, we gave out food to 24 homeless people as we went on our weekly prayer walk. Recently we acquired twenty copies of the First Nations Version of the New Testament for distribution.
But as to what we are doing, Cory and I are working towards a strategic plan that will, we pray, carry us forward into 2027. Strategic plan, Smart Goals, S.W.O.T. and P.E.S.T. identifiers, and Key Performance Indicators… Sheesh! It all hurts my brain and challenges my thinking. And this week, I found out why. These are not Indigenous ways of knowing, nor Indigenous methods. But they are very necessary.
As others come on board, and as Rising Above Healing Ministries, Regina Discipleship Project takes flight, we are working towards having a one-page descriptor of What we do, How we do it, and What difference it makes, that we can give to supporters, stakeholders, participants, insiders and outsiders alike. Rising Above Healing Ministries is a national, Indigenous led and governed Christian ministry whose mantra is “First Peoples helping First Peoples bring God’s healing to this Land”. That means different things in different parts of Canada where we operate in terms of what is actually being done.
Vivian and I have been in ministry now for over 25 years, and when we came under the banner of Rising Above three years ago, there was two things that I started praying for to come about. The first was, that it would not be about me. I don’t want to be the sole face and voice of Rising Above in Saskatchewan nor of the Regina Discipleship Project. Secondly, will there be a strong Indigenous Christian presence in the church in Regina in the future? Certainly, there are strong Indigenous Christian individuals. But is there a distinct Indigenous Christian presence in the church?
So what is it that we do? Well, I am praying, and I invite you to pray for the process we are currently undertaking, that it will produce fruit for the Kingdom of God that brings these things about:
A unique Indigenous expression of the Christian faith by individuals dedicated to building a community of “First Peoples helping First Peoples bring God’s healing to our Land.”
With Love in Christ,
Upon Whom all our Hope is Set,
Nick Helliwell,
Project Leader,
Rising Above
Regina Discipleship Project
Created in Christ of paskwâwiyiniw (Plains Cree) heritage, working and serving in Treaty 4 Territory, traditional lands of the Nêhiyawak (Cree), Nahkawé (Saulteaux), Nakota, Dakota, Lakota and the Métis/Michif peoples. Extending the Peace, Grace, and Welcome of Jesus Christ to all settlers and newcomers. ta-tawâw, (there is room, you are welcome.)
- Follow us on Facebook at Regina Discipleship Project Page
- or check out our website: nickhelliwell.ca
- or the Rising Above Ministry Website
Founded in 1992, Rising Above is First Peoples helping First Peoples; Initiated and governed by Indigenous people, Rising Above Abuse Counselling Agency is a Christian based registered charitable organization, offering hope and healing from a biblical perspective.