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Helliwell’s October 2021 Missions Update

Nick and Vivian Helliwell

It is with thankfulness and a sense of relief that I am able to finally write this letter to you as the appropriate time has come.

Effective immediately, I have verbally notified the board that I am resigning from Healing Hearts Ministry, and they have by written correspondence, accepted my resignation.

With much prayer over the last few months, it became clear to me that my ministries were moving in a different direction than the direction of Healing Hearts Ministry.

I have been working on a number of projects that reflected those changes.  Notably, a new website that showcases my exploration of Biblical Christianity and IndigenousCulture.  I had submitted a report to Healing Hearts Ministry in July outlining my position and commitment to this process in line with biblical truth and the current climate of Truth and Reconciliation.  It is my intention to expand that report into possibly a workbook or other teaching format for people emerging from either residential school or 60’s scoop experiences.  Tangent to that is my work at Regina Correctional Centre and men who are transitioning from incarceration back into the community.  I am pleased with the response I have received from the publication of Journey Through the Bible Discipleship Course as well as the men’s discipleship course that I continue to lead.

As stated, my resignation is simply a reflection in the changes of ministry emphasis that have occurred over an extended period for both Healing Hearts Ministry and myself.  As a founding member of Healing Hearts Ministry, I am confident that the good work that was begun there will continue with renewed vigor as new leadership casts new vision.  Having been with Healing Hearts since its inception, I also recognize that I am ‘of the old guard’ and that for new vision to take root, the old must, of necessity be pruned.

Insofar as the future of my ministry goes, the Rising Above Counselling Agency has been very enthusiastic about my work, having reviewed the teaching videos I have posted on VimeoFacebook and so forth.  I have also been invited to write regularly for Promise Keepers Canada Impactus website, and hope to expand my ministry to indigenous men on a national level.

At this stage, my prayer and intention is that I will migrate under the Rising Above Counselling Agency banner to better reflect the emphasis of my ministry and that Healing Hearts Ministry will continue to ‘bring the healing touch of Jesus to wounded hearts’ in whatever direction the Lord leads them.

I would like to thank each and every one of my many supporters and prayer partners for the many years of encouragement and support.   As stated, I will be moving under the banner of the Rising Above Counselling Agency, but the logistics of this move are not yet in place.  If you would like to continue supporting my ministry and need more information about this change, please reply to me and I will be happy to continue our correspondence and give you details of the process as it unfolds.  At this time, Rising Above has accepted my application, reviewed my references as well as my work in more depth and I do not anticipate a lengthy process.

The Lord has not released me from my ministry to Men, to Indigenous people, nor to the incarcerated. 

Rising Above Counselling Agency has long had these as foci of ministry and so I and I believe Rising Above feel this change is of the Lord.  For that I am truly grateful.

Please click on the appropriate links to learn more information or email me directly at . My personal cell phone number is (306) 539-4136 or (306) 501=5037.

May God bless Healing Hearts Ministry.

God Bless You as you seek His direction,

And may God bless Rising Above.

With Love in Christ, 

In Whom All Our Hopes Are Secure,

Nick & Vivian Helliwell 

P.S. As of October 12, 2021, Healing Hearts Ministry will no longer accept and receipt support for Project 300.

October 18th Update

With prayer and reflection yesterday and today, I have come to the conclusion that I really do need some time off.

Things that have really impacted me over the past while: Getting my file from Social Services regarding the 15 placements I had before being adopted at age 6; Murray’s illness, near death, and long recovery; My brief yet deep and somewhat disturbing conversations with my natural brothers, Beryl and Anthony this past week at Blair’s funeral; The passing of my natural eldest and closest brother Blair (Henry Blair); Leaving Healing Hearts Ministry. The many new challenges arising from Chaplaincy jail ministry; These unprecedented trials brought about by Covid. And additional family and personal matters. All of the above intersecting at this time have made this unquestionably, the most difficult year of my life.

It behoves me then, to take full advantage of the opportunity presented: that is the time I have whilst in transition to take time off. Therefore, as of the time of this letter, I will be unavailable until further notice. I have not set a time limit on this respite except to acknowledge that pressing on would be unhealthy and frankly, having had a bit of a breather these two days, I realize I need more of one – much more.

During this time there will be no Bible studies.

I covet your prayers, value your support and am grateful for your understanding.

With Blessings,

Nick Helliwell

October 23rd Update

I need to thank you and so many others for their outpouring of kindness, support and love this week. I am doing everything I can to heal, recover, and come back better than ever.

My interview with Rising Above is on Tuesday. I would ask that you join me in prayer about and for that.

I admit I hit a wall last week. I lost my spiritual covering, I lost direction, I lost an important anchor point and I had serious doubts and questions overwhelm me. It has been my faith in Jesus Christ that has brought me through this time of crisis and that faith has been buoyed and bolstered by the encouragement of so many people like yourself who have so generously shared their own faith, in prayer, word or action.

I have been seeking counseling, reading ‘The Life of the Beloved’ by Henri Nouwen, (Thank you David) and getting lots of rest.

There is more to do. Much more. I dare not cut it short, nor try to go too far, too fast. To do a shoddy job would cost far more in the long run than to do it right the first time. I need to get it right, for the sake of my Father in heaven, for the sake of all who have invested so much in this ministry, and finally, for my own sake, to be fully obedient to his work, and word in me.

Please have patience with me as I go through this period of reflection, and rebuilding. Pray that I get it right. Pray that I am protected. Pray that my family gets back the man, husband and father they deserve. Pray that my ministry is all that God desires it to be.

May God get all the glory for the work He is doing right now in me, and the outcome of this period of tearing down and rebuilding. I am grateful for your standing by me.

With Humble Blessing and Love,

Nick Helliwell