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Elder’s Board Meeting Update: October 29, 2020

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The following points were discussed during the October 28, 2020 Elder’s Board Meeting.

  • The elders have a retreat planned the morning of November 7th. Please pray for us as we discuss the Discipleship Pathways document that Pastor Ben has drafted. We will also talk about challenges and opportunities before us as a church due to the pandemic.
  • At the end of the February budget meeting, the elders would like to take some time to engage the congregation on the current state of affairs of pastoral care.
  • Kristen has launched ‘The Bridge’ and ‘Foundations’ programs. ‘Foundations’ allows kids to complete 12 tasks over a period of 3 years. It is mainly memorization of Bible passages, but also includes sharing their testimony and designing and executing a service project.
  • Pastor Ben is working through engagement and review with various people for the Discipleship Booklet he drafted.


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