Since we have invested in our website a few years ago, we’ve seen more people finding us online and then coming to PCC. It is such a diverse group of people of all ages and different cultures joining us. Sometimes new people come through relationships with others, but then they explore who we are online. This week I was asked if we were okay with a service animal in our church. The answer is yes – because we value people and their health, and because it is what we are asked to do. So you may see someone with a service animal here this week, or the weeks to come (I had no idea there were animals other than dogs filling this role!).
I grew up in churches that were fairly homogenous – everyone looked and sounded alike. As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realize that diversity is a strength of a community, especially in the body of Christ. I have deeply valued learning from those with different backgrounds, languages, cultures, and experiences. The consistent piece in all of this is the faithfulness of God.
I hope that as our church continues growing in diversity, you will find yourself blessed by the work of God in the lives of those you meet, and also blessed by how God changes us through the encounters we have as the Holy Spirit works in our hearts and minds.
Peace and Grace,