Easter @ Parliament Community Church 2022
Easter is a high point in the year of the Church. Our faith hinges on the events of Easter as we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection three days later. In these historical events we place our hope and faith. We have a variety of services and activities over the week leading up to Easter so those in the Regina area can join us in celebrating Easter. For those at home or farther away all of our church services are livestreamed online at pcomm.ca/live. To join us in person, our church is located at 4011 Pasqua St. Regina, Sk.
Palm Sunday Service @ 10:45 am
April 10, 2022
Join us on April 10th for our Palm Sunday service at 10:45AM – a service to commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. During our service we will spend time in worship, listen to scripture, and then have a message that reflects on how Jesus was misunderstood by many, but God’s plan was far greater than anyone could imagine.
Journey to the Cross
April 12-15th, 2022
Starting in the garden and walking to tomb, encounter the story of Jesus in an interactive and reflective way. Appropriate for all ages, this event will be during the week of April 12 – 15 during office hours, Wednesday night (until 8:30 PM) and Good Friday (after the service until 4 PM).
Good Friday Service @ 10:30 am
April 15, 2022
Join us for a Good Friday Service on April 15 at 10:30 AM. We will have a service of worship and Scripture as we reflect on the events that led up to Jesus’ death. We’ll explore how the mocking of Jesus – calling him the King of Jews – is turned upside down and Jesus is in fact, the King of Kings. Our service will feature times of singing, reading of the Good Friday account in Scripture and also a message that reflects on how Jesus is the King God sent for us so we could know God’s grace and love.
Easter Sunday Service @10:45 am
April 17, 2022
Traditionally on Easter Sunday our church family gathers at 9:30 am for the children to do an Easter Egg hunt and a chance for the adults to visit together and begin our celebration in community.Join us for our Easter Sunday service on April 17th at 10:45 AM to celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ! We will also be having some baptisms as well! We invite you to join us in-person or online for our Easter celebration. Our Sermon this Sunday will focus on Jesus as the Resurrected King!