Easter at PCC 2024
Good Friday – March 29, 2024
Friday, March 29 @ 10:30 AM
Easter Sunday – March 31, 2024
Sunday, March 31 @ 10:45 AM
“Because He Live”
~ Aaron Deng
Easter Reflections
~Christa Hovind, Admin Assistant at PCC
This may look like a strange picture, but if you look through the ice and messiness you will see a beautiful ice heart. I did not make this heart, after fishing for about 6 hours I noticed it had formed there.
It’s not my most favourite adventure, taking a risk in the cold to possibly catch a fish, but I am married to a man who loves to fish in any condition! So, early in January last year we bundled up our daughter and ourselves and headed out for some fresh air adventure.
After about 6 hours I had only caught one fish and it seemed like the drought was dragging on. Thoughts continued going through my mind about my life, thoughts of the unknown, the maybe’s and the what could be’s. I thought, “I’m fairly insignificant, maybe God’s not paying attention today like I thought He always had..” Let me just say, I am an imperfect person and this is very honest – I was having a bit of a bad day.
Just then, I looked up and I noticed this ice heart in my fishing hole, it was such a sweet surprise! While I was murmuring over a cold piece of ice, God was paying attention as He is always faithful in doing. As a little reminder, the creator of this world made a little ice heart form just to remind me He loves me. What a gift. And this is a gift for each of you too, I have been waiting and holding on to this ice heart wondering where God was going to use it for His glory.
As we ponder many things during this Lent season, let us not forget how significant we are to our Saviour. He in his love for us; gave his life to save us, and to have us for his own. Take a moment each day during this Lent season and try to grasp your significance to God. Look what he has done for us in his deep and everlasting love for us – thank you Jesus!
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you not forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
About the Easter Art in the Sanctuary
We are excited to have some paintings at the front of the sanctuary depicting different parts of the Easter story. We pray they will add to our worship, deepen our understanding, and encourage you in your faith walk. We invite you to take time before or after our services, or during the week, to reflect upon the images and the stories they portray.
A word from the Artist:
“The Easter series was humbly executed with the desire to represent the tension between good and evil in the spiritual realm by using semi-abstract line and symbolic use of colour.
Initially, I wanted to reference the medieval stained glass windows that historically narrated biblical scenes with colour, abstraction, and light.
As I painted, I considered the tension between two colossal spiritual forces—especially on the cross, when the earth shook, the sun went dark, the curtain was torn, the graves opened, and death was defeated. While painting the cross in particular, the verse that recurred meditatively was, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree…(and) by his wounds you have been healed.”
1Peter 2:24″
Carla Hirschfeld is a mother and wife, teacher and artist, and follower of Jesus who lives in Cochrane, Ab. This is her first step into painting Sacred Art for the purpose of worship. You can see her other art featuring animals and landscapes at her website
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